About Us

We’re Canadians currently living in New Zealand who have also lived in the USA. We love to travel and we see life as a series of adventures, so we started the blog to share photos, tips, challenges and inspiration for anyone else who wants to try moving or traveling to another country, especially those who are bringing along a kid (or two or six!).  So grab a cuppa (that’s Kiwi for tea or coffee), get comfy, and start planning your next adventure!

I’m Leslie (the one writing), and Chris has been my hubby for over a decade.  Phoenix came along in 2016 and he’s what’s known as “spirited”, so not only do we deal with the usual challenges of parenting, we also manage the loud, energetic craziness that can come with having a spirited kid.  It can make travel very interesting, let me tell you!

Chris, Phoenix and Leslie (taken by a PhotoPass photographer at Disneyland)

We’ve lived in the provinces of British Columbia and Manitoba in Canada, then spent a year in San Diego, California, USA for my final year of training before moving to Christchurch, New Zealand in July 2019 for my first job.  After two international moves, we’re starting to get the hang of visas, new driver’s licenses, and the lack of familiar brands at the grocery store.  Admittedly, the cultures are not all that different in many ways, but they are more different than we expected and the moves gave us a whole new appreciation for people who move to a *completely* different place.

We also love to travel and before we had Phoenix, Chris and I visited Kenya, Holland, England, Egypt, Turkey, Italy and several other places.  With Phoenix, we’ve been to many places in Canada, the USA, New Zealand and Australia and we hope to do much more traveling as a family, despite the challenges.  Our goal is to visit all seven continents and as many countries as we can.  

The main topics you’ll find in our blog include:

  • Tips for moving to another country
  • Photos and honest reviews of our travel destinations (both past and future)
  • Musings on what it’s like to live in New Zealand

So, grab your passport and get ready to fly with us!

All photos are taken by us (mostly on an iPhone) unless otherwise noted.

Make sure to follow us on Instagram (@parentsonaplane) and drop us an email with any questions: parentsonaplane@outlook.com

Happy travels!