Tip #3: Minimizing Immigration (Visa) Frustration when Moving Abroad

When you move to another country, you undoubtedly will require an immigration visa of some sort in order to legally live there. The process can be long and frustrating, but there are a few things you can do to help move things along when you're moving abroad. Hopefully you have a good assistant to help with …

Continue reading Tip #3: Minimizing Immigration (Visa) Frustration when Moving Abroad

Tip #2: Records to Keep if you ever want to Move Abroad

When you move to another country, you’ll be applying for all sorts of things (visas, professional registration for certain jobs, driver’s licenses, home rental agreements, bank accounts, the list goes on) that will require an abundance of information and documentation. Collecting what you’ll need is a lot easier if you keep good records throughout your …

Continue reading Tip #2: Records to Keep if you ever want to Move Abroad